Donate Food
Trucking Companies
The Hopewell Food Pantry tries to accommodate trucking companies needing to donate undeliverable food. The truck driver or dispatcher should call (804) 530-3546 to make arrangements.
On weekdays, we prefer the driver bring the load directly to the pantry:
903 W City Point Road
Hopewell, VA 23860
On weekends or if the load cannot be delivered to the pantry, we can try to arrange to meet the truck. If there is a large quantity, we will share the food with up to 4 other pantries in the local area.
Organizations or Individuals
If an individual or organization would like to donate food, here are some guidelines:
No out-of-date dry goods or open packages.
No personal baked goods or items canned in your home.
Frozen items are usually not accepted.
We take in-date unopened dry goods, garden vegetables, and fresh food items.
When delivering your donation, please go to the side garage door. DO NOT GET IN THE LINE OF CARS WAITING TO PICK-UP FOOD. You can park across the street, parallel to the side of our building.
Donations are accepted when our volunteers are present, which are Mon., Wed., and Fri. from 9 A.M. - 3 P.M. If you are unable to drop off during these times, please call (804) 530-3546 to schedule an appointment.
To make a monetary donation, select the DONATE button below and you will be re-directed to a secure Paypal donation screen - or mail a check to PO Box 1532, Hopewell, VA 23860.